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Helmut Lasarcyk

The key to

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
   ~ Hippocrates

The China Study

In the 1960s T. Colin Campbell, a young US nutrition researcher discovered a paper in an Indian research journal that reported how a group of rats that had been given large amounts of aflatoxin (a very poisonous toxin) died of liver cancer. Another group of rats that had received the same amount of aflatoxin did not develop any liver cancer at all, though. He was startled. It turned out that those who died had been fed a diet containing 20 % protein, whereas those who stayed healthy had only received 5 % protein. The protein was milk protein. In subsequent studies he found out that protein from wheat or soybeans did not have the same effect. Eventually he became one of the responsible scientists in one of the biggest nutrition research projects ever, the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, including 6500 subjects in rural China. It lasted for 20 years throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
After his retirement, Campbell summed up the knowledge he had gained from decades of research in the field of nutrition in his book "The China Study". He and other researchers had found out that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled by giving up our present menu of animal-based and processed foods in favour of a plant-based, whole-food diet.

Film recommendation:

Forks over Knives (Trailer) - the DVD (2011)

The book:

T. Colin Campbell: The China Study (2005)

Please read this important note on health subjects.