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Helmut Lasarcyk

The key to

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
   ~ Hippocrates

How to get fresh sprouts -

in your own home, all year round

Sprouting seeds produce all kinds of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are of immense value to the body and easy to digest. They taste delicious and contribute to good health enormously. It really does not take much to produce them in your own home.

Which kinds of seeds? Alfalfa, chickpea (garbanzo beans), garden cress, lentils, mung, radish, sunflower, wheat and many more - simply try!

Equipment needed: Regular large jars (one litre, a quart) with a suitable sieve-like top. These are easily available on the internet or in a wholefood store. A German company named Eschenfelder offers the perfect material, so you can study what you need. Don't use any plastic!sprossen

Amounts to take:
one to three spoonfuls per seed

How to proceed:
First soak the seed in the jar overnight (~ 8 hours), then empty the water and place the jar in a sloping position and leave it to drop. Find a light but not too sunny place in the room. Carefully rinse every morning and evening and empty again.  After 3 to 5 days, the sprouts can be harvested and eaten. They will also stay fresh in the refrigerator for two or three more days. Put them into salad, on top of vegetable dishes or just eat them as a snack.

The internet has many more hints and recipes to offer, like this website.